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Committed to Excellence

PTA Information

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Wing Elementary School PTA

President - Jeanine Gendron
Co-President - Jaclyn Lawrence
1st Vice President -Samantha Logallo
2nd Vice President - Jennifer Spiotta
Recording Secretary - Samantha Montalban
Corresponding Secretary - Nikki Kelly
Treasurer - Nicole Wicker
1st Grade Representative - ChristaMarie Staiger
Kindergarten Representative - Karyn Carpenter
UPK Representative - Victoria Hulsen


Commack Road Elementary School PTA

Co-President - Angella Cox
Co-President - Victoria Hulsen
Co-Vice President - Charlstie Veith 
Co-Vice President - Kelly Horner
Secretary - Jessica Mondo
Treasurer - Karolina Girasole


Sherwood Elementary School PTA

Co-President - Jennifer Sanders
Co-President - Laura Yarosz
Vice President (Events/Fundraising) - Daniel Ocampo
Vice President (Communications) - MaryBeth Rosamilia
Vice President (Membership) - Hilary Breig
Corresponding Secretary - Geraldine Szabo-Reres
Recording Secretary - Tricia Lisa-Farina
Treasurer - Kristy Evans


Islip Middle School PTA

President - Barbara Pollina
Vice President - Christine Breslin
Secretary - Kathy Hoffmann

Treasurer - Meredith Raskin-Musto


Islip High School PTSA

President - Kristy Evans 
Past President - Stacey Zurbaran 
Co-Vice President - Nicole Muschenick
Co-Vice President - Jennifer Swindells
Secretary - Bernadette Kjeldsen
Treasurer -Stacey Piegari



President - Michelle Robinson 
Past President - Kristy Evans
1st Vice President - Diana Farrell
2nd Vice President - Melissa LaPera
Corresponding Secretary - Laura Eikevick
Recording Secretary - Kristy O'Reilly
Treasurer - Odilis Noonan