Staff Directory
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Commack Road
The list below provides a list of names of administrators, teachers, and support staff at Commack Road Elementary School.
Names highlighted in blue have an eBoard/website. This is a tool some staff use to communicate with students and parents.
Each teacher has an e-mail link as indicated by the envelope icon.
While some staff utilize this as a primary tool for communication, some
staff prefer meeting in person or responding by telephone.
You can always call the main office at 631-650-8600 to leave a message for any staff member.
Jacqueline Beckmann

Linda Grilli

(Main Entrance)
Debra Sweeney

(Main Entrance)
Janine Montalvo

Mary Splaine

Jennifer Beck

Jillian Bohnaker

Cheryl Brown

Michele Herzog

Jenna Laura

Patricia Specht

Christina Chiaramonte

Marianne Chorusey

Shannon Dignam

Ann Hess

Brian Smith

Shannon Urbancik

Dawn Ambroselli

Ted Dieumegard

Meghan Flynn

Jillian Gallo

Catherine Nieves

Paulette Perry

Kelsey Strauss

Kerri Cammarata

Lori Knudsen

Julie McGarty

Nicole Morrisey

Nicole Scicutella

Christina Cordi

Christine LeMaire

Dawn Palange

Christopher Sclafani

Kimberly Wilson

Bethany Majestic

Adeline Rodriguez

(Head Cook)
Lisa McKenna

Elizabeth Pyz

(District Math Coach)
Jen Scheriff

(Literacy Coach)
Laura Schuman

(Literacy Coach)
Leonard Giammanco

(Head Custodian)
Meaghan Finnerty

Jessica Kelly

Stephanie Schumacher

Ryan Sanford

Michael Baur

Theresa Oberer

Rachel Tria

Grainne Hollborn

Lisa Miller

Amanda Gilligan

Danielle Wangner

Jason Orlick

Carrie Rittberg

Gian Villante

Edward Velazquez

Valerie Roth

Jennifer Cibelli

Gina Kiernan-Bammann

Don Dowdell

Meghan Flynn

Jillian Gallo

Michele Herzog

Jenna Laura

Jessica Schulman